It doesn’t matter if you are a professional photographer, hobby photography, or just love to snap pictures with your cell-phone; if you love to document your children in the form of pictures, then you are an automatic member of the “Photography Moms Club”.
We photography moms take our jobs very seriously. Our duties are simple: never allow any memories to go undocumented.
For me, it all started Christmas morning in 2012. That was the day that my husband surprised me with my first big girl camera (my Nikon D3200). It was love at first sight.
I always loved taking pictures. I got my first camera when I was in 3rd grade. It was one of those flat little 1990’s film cameras, and the color was teal. I would force my younger sisters to participate in photo shoots and I would anxiously wait for my pictures to come in the mail 7 days after I sent in the film.
My obsession only multiplied with each child I had. I loved documenting their milestones, natural play, and big smiles.
While I wouldn’t trade my beloved camera for anything, I have noticed that there are some negatives to this photography-loving lifestyle.
Fellow photography moms- Can you relate to these 7 struggles?
1) Photography Child Syndrome
Do you know the symptoms and warning signs of Photography Child Syndrome? This contagious condition is easily diagnosed.
Your kids typically fall into one of these two categories:
- Cheeseballs- kids who are so sick of smiling for pictures that they automatically flash a cheesy smile to quickly get you to leave them alone
- Anti-smilers- kids who are boycotting pictures and will refuse to participate. Symptoms of this type include: running, crying, hiding their face, or making any ridiculous expression.
Even when I am trying to hide to snap some sneaky candid shots, my children seem to detect me coming and they either will run away or give a cheesy smile.
Check out my Post on Tricks to have up your sleeve to battle Photography Child Syndrome.
2) The Quest for the Perfect Photo Spot
I am physically unable to pass a wooded barn or flower patch without picturing a photo shoot there. My eyes are always skimming for my next photo shoot location.
Sometimes, I will see a beautiful patch of wildflowers on the side of the highway, and I automatically try to work out the details of how I would be able to cross 4 lanes of traffic with my camera and 3 kids. I rarely go to these spots I find while driving, but it doesn’t stop me from the persistent quest.
3) The Relentless “Should I Bring my Camera?” Debate
As a photography mom, every single time I leave my house I have a constant, internal debate over if I should bring my camera. I tell myself to just go and enjoy the moment, instead of lugging around my camera bag. However, I know that if a picture opportunity presents itself, I will be kicking myself for leaving my camera behind.
My husband will tell me, “Just bring it!” to which I will argue, “But what if it rains, or it gets too heavy.” He will agree with me to avoid the conversation, “Leave it at home, then”, which I will promptly retort the list of reasons why I SHOULD bring my camera.
4) Matching Outfits All The Time (Just in Case)
You have to be prepared at all times, just in case a picture-perfect moment presents itself. What better way to prepare for that than to dress your children as clones as frequently as you can?

5) You are Not Ashamed to Use Bribery to Get the Picture You Want
Do you find yourself saying “If you take one picture I will give you a lollipop”? If so, then you are most likely a photography mom.
6) Editing Becomes a Part-time Job
I find myself tapping my sleeping husband at 11pm to ask him, “This filter or that? Black & white or color?” Though time-consuming, editing is an important part of photography,
If you graduate to using Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop, then you will no doubt lose sleep to stay up at night and play around with histograms, saturation, and vignettes.
7) No One Can Be Left Out of Your Pictures
You feel like something is missing if you had a party and didn’t get a picture of Great Aunt Sally. You take it as your responsibility to make sure you get a picture of everyone around you.
You take extra time to snap family portraits and Christmas photos of friends and family. And though time-consuming, you do it by choice out of the love for your hobby. You get excited anytime you can combine friend and family time with your beloved hobby.
Be proud to be in the Photography Moms Club, and know that you are not alone as this wonderful hobby consumes a major part of your life.
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Key West Photographers
Monday 16th of September 2019
It almost becomes a 2nd full time job!
Monday 16th of September 2019
Sure does! I fully agree with you! :)
Saturday 1st of June 2019
It sure is a blessing and a curse being a great photographer! It seems you just can’t relax till you covered all your photos ideas (I know the feeling well)! However, you will always enjoy and be happy to have each and every photo of family! They all tell the story of your wonderful journey 🥰