Raise Kids that are Healthy at Home – And Strong in the World
Let’s learn how to build strong family roots – that lead to strength, family connectivity, and resiliency as your child grows. Just like a tree!
Grow Deep, Lasting Roots
Learn tips that preach strong and consistent family values – the perfect foundation for a growing family. Just like the roots of a tree, which provide strength and energy.
Provide an Unwavering, Supportive Foundation
As parents, we need to be a solid support system for our children- just like the trunk of the tree. Let’s talk about ways to lift up our children so they can grow to their potential.
Develop Strong, Resilient Branches
Although branches are connected, they all grow in different directions and at different times. With strong family principals, kids have room to grow- but will still feel connected to the family.
Let’s start building strong family roots.
Click a topic you are interested in or start here with the Importance of Family Roots

Raising Good Kids
Learn how raise kids who are humble and kind – yet strong and resilient here.
About Me
Thanks for visiting! I am Renee – founder of Simply Rooted Family.
I am a mom of three, certified Mindfulness Parenting Practitioner and have my doctorate in healthcare (which makes me research-obsessed) and a love for all things simple. I am dedicated to sharing what I learn with other families out there!
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Build Family Roots
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