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How Set up a Fun Chalk Obstacle Course for Kids

Set up a chalk obstacle course for your kids with these fun and simple activities.

I love to have activity ideas in my back-pocket for those days when my kids get tired of entertaining themselves.

If these activities are easy to set up and hold my kids attention, then it is a solid win for everyone.

I have three active kids. Active is an understatement. Sleeping seems unnecessary to my kids who are both night-owls and early risers mixed into to one. They prefer jumping and flipping around to sitting.

Although I love their spunk and energy, it can be quite exhausting to keep up with them on a daily basis.

This simple activity takes minute to set up, and will keep them actively entertained for long periods of time.

For more outside fun, check out this outdoor scavenger hunt for kids.

Related: Summer Bucket List for Active Families

Chalk Obstacle Courses

Chalk obstacle courses are like hopscotch on steroids. They will keep your kids engaged and active, and they couldn’t be easier to set up.

What You Need:

  • Chalk
  • Hard surface
  • Active Kids

Set-up Instructions:

Use your own creativity and keep in mind the age of your children while you are setting up your course.

First, set up 3 different wings of the course.

To keep your kids interested, each wing should be a different theme. Some examples of themes you can use include:

  • Exercise and agility
  • Alphabet or math
  • Silly activities

Exercise Course

For the exercise wing, include quick workouts for your kids. Such as:

  • Do 5 push-ups
  • Do 10 jumping jacks
  • Do 5 burpees
  • Jumping from circle to circle

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Educational Course

Depending on your kids age and abilities, set up math or reading obstacles.

For example, for my 4 year old, I set up the letters A through Z and he had to follow around in order. For my elementary age kids, I had math problems that they had to answer before moving on to the next section.

Silly Course

This was my children’s favorite part.

Some examples include:

  • Crawl like a baby
  • Walk like a penguin
  • Hop on one foot

Lastly, at the end of each course, write in chalk to “Go to [another section]” to keep the cycle going.

How to Play

To add an extra element to this, I had the kids start by throwing a rock at 3 targets. Whichever target they were closest to indicated what wing of the course they started on.

Looking for another great outdoor activity? Try this Outdoor Scavenger Hunt.

After they had a starting point, they were ready to follow along!

You may also like these 7 activities that help kids connect with nature.

Final Thoughts on Chalk Obstacle Course

Chalk obstacle courses are easy to set up, practically free, and an engaging activity for kids.

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