To me, photographs are nothing short of magic. You can literally document memories for all of time. We have pictures of grandparents, great grandparents, and even great-great grandparents! My kids love to look at these old pictures. We talk about what life must have been like back then when we look through the pictures
We love to see how we all resembles our ancestors, and it really brings us back in time. We are fortunate to have these photos. If no one took or preserved these pictures, we would never know what any of our relatives looked like.
We have pictures of happy memories, like my grandparent’s wedding. We also have pictures of troubling times – like my grandfather overseas during World War II. We have pictures of my grandmother’s brother, who died when he was only 5 of pneumonia. We are able to physically hold these images in our hands and experience their lives.
Printing Your Photos
Most people’s pictures are in two places:
- Sitting on their phones
- Uploaded to their computer or a website
Both of these places are purgatory for your photos. They will sit their in digital space and slowly get forgotten. No one will be sitting around your computer, pouring through the folders, and reminiscing about memories.

Printing your photos is the first step to saving your memories. Maybe I am old school, but I think pictures need to be something you can hold in your hands. You can pass them around and pull them out anytime.
You have a few options. You can print out your photos and put them in albums manually or you can use websites such as Shutterfly or Mixbook to make memorable and organized albums.
Organizing Your Photos
Printing your photos is a good first step, but if you don’t organize them they will most likely collect dust. I love turning my photos into interactive photo books at
I recommend making these scrap-book like albums vs. putting 4X6 photos in old-fashioned albums because they are:
- Beautiful to look at: You can add colors, frames, and words into these books
- Lightweight and easy to store vs. those big heavy albums
- Able to capture more memories: You can add in descriptions to pictures such as details from a birthday party or funny quotes from your kids
- Display your creativity: These are basically scrapbooks without the glue and scissors
- Busy-parent friendly: It is faster to make these than stuffing photos into albums!
Here is an example of one of my pages:

You can basically turn your photos into interactive stories of your life! Check it out for yourself:

Tips for Organizing Your Photos
Who has time to do all of this? I totally get it! Especially if you are behind! When I first started creating these albums I was a little overwhelmed. I had (no joke) thousands and thousands of pictures to go through! Once I got started, I realized how easy and fun it actually was!
Here are some tips to follow while you are organizing your photos:
Choose a time period for your albums
What I mean by this is to define the span of time you would like in each of your albums. For example, I take a lot of pictures so I make a new album every 6 months. If you don’t take as many pictures, you can make a new album for each year.
Defining a time period for your albums will help keep them organized and keep you on track. Try to stay consistent with the time periods in each of your albums.
Add a detailed title page and descriptions
Think about looking at these books in the future. What will you want to remember? Add a detailed title page that includes important dates, who is in the book, and where it takes place.

Throughout the book, include the names and ages of the people in the book. Mention where events took place. You can’t add in enough detail!
Include all types of pictures
Don’t only include events, such as vacations and holidays. Throw in some pages filled with pictures that you take on a regular day! Lifestyle pictures often tell the best stories!
Don’t fall too far behind
Once you fall behind, you will start to get overwhelmed. If you do even a page or two every week, you will be able to keep up with your books. This will ensure that it is fun and stress-free!
If you are behind- don’t fret! Here is your plan to get caught up and not get too overwhelmed!
- Don’t set goals too high. If you plan on finishing all of your photo books in a week, you will get stressed! Your goal is to finish one book per month.
- Go slow. The more thought you put into these books, the more valuable they will be. Be patient.
- Start with the oldest dates first. To stay organized, go back to the beginning and move forward.
- Take it one day at a time. This is a process. Do a couple pages here and there, and don’t get try to finish it all at once. You will take the enjoyment out of it if you make it a chore.
You did the hard part already– you took the picture! Don’t let your important memories be lost in digital space! Start creating your photo books that will be cherished forever!
Maybe in 100 years, your future generations will be flipping through your photos too!

Do you print and organize your photos? I would love to hear what you do with your pictures!
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Ten Tips for Capturing the Little Moments - Simply Snapping Mom
Sunday 20th of January 2019
[…] Check it out for yourself! And if you want a full guide on how to organize photos and create photobooks, check out my post! […]
Janice Martin
Friday 4th of January 2019
Great post!
Sunday 30th of December 2018
I love making photo albums! My mom always made an album for each year of mine and my brothers life using the big bulky 4x6, but we still love looking through them. In collage I took over with scrapbooks and then once having children I started using Shutterfly. Like you said I’m able to put more pictures, designs and comments using that site! I have kept tradition, as my mom did, making both my children their own album for each year of their life! I agree you definitely have to keep up with it! I will start an album and update it with new photos as the year goes on so that it’s not too overwhelming when the year starts to come to and end. The albums are always ready and great to share at their birthday parties for everyone to look at; and it’s always great to bring out the old ones as well to see how they have grown!
Wednesday 19th of December 2018
Hi Renee, these ideas will definitely help in organising all the photos. I have lot of photos but never made an album. They are just kept in packages. I never thought of doing this. Great post.
John Mulindi
Tuesday 18th of December 2018
Your articles are always the best when it comes on giving us tips on photography. This one is useful read for everyone.