At some point, every parent will have what I like to call “asking for a friend” questions.
“Asking for a friend” questions are super common issues that many parents have, but no one really likes to talk about.
My goal is to start more conversations on these topics for a few reasons:
First, we need to normalize these questions. Hello, these subjects are super common, yet why are they seemingly untouchable?
Secondly, it’s impossible to perform our unspoken motherly duty of supporting other mothers if we don’t know what their challenges are.
Lastly, if we open up about these parenting obstacles, we can feel more understood and less alone.

Which of these “Asking for a Friend” topics can help you?
My “Friend’s Kid” is Addicted to Screentime
No parent wants to admit that their kid is addicted to technology; however, it is a very common problem.
In fact, if there is Fornite Addicts Annonymous group out there, will someone please forward me their information?
This 7 step method will help you limit your kids screen time in a realistic way.
My “Friend’s Kid” is a Jerk
Ugh, the jerky kid. We all know them, and some of us are accidently (GULP) raising them.
No one wants to raise a bully. Raise conscientious kids who value diversity with these tips.

My “Friend’s Kid” Can’t Stop Lying
Did you know that kids are wired to lie? Yup, their developing brains are actually wired to avoid consequences.
If you catch your kid in a lie (once, twice, a thousand times), it is important to realize that it is normal. Click here to read tips for coaching kids for honesty.
My “Friend’s Kid” is Lazy
My husband and I realized that my daughter was as dependent as a newborn koala cub- snuggled warmly in her mother’s pouch.
When we started introducing these age-appropriate chores like the ones here, she made huge strides towards independency.
My “Friend’s Kid” has a Poor-Me Attitude
A victim mentality is an unhealthy, self-destructive “poor me” attitude. Kids who feel this way have a hard time handling normal life circumstances, which can persist into adulthood.
Kids with “poor me” mindsets are so common these days. Make these 5 changes to raise kids with a growth mindset.
My “Friend’s Kid” is Entitled
We all want to raise happy kids. But what happens when it crosses the line into “spoiled” territory.
Many parents find that they are accidently raising entitled kids. This damage control plan will help you raise grateful kids.

My “Friend’s Kid” is Struggling with Anxiety
There were 5 times that I missed my kid’s anxiety signs. I feel like that is five times too many.
After some research, I learned how common childhood anxiety is, what the signs are, and how to help. Learn about childhood anxiety here.
My “Friend” Can’t Stop Yelling at her Kids
I am convinced that mommy temper tantrums are actually good for your kids – IF you do these things after you yell.

Final Thoughts
As parents, we often fool ourselves into thinking that we have to be perfect to be a good parent. In reality, being a good parent starts with you being honest and real with yourself.
What other “Asking for a Friend” Topics would you like to talk about? Comment down below!
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Blair villanueva
Friday 25th of December 2020
I can relate to these and though O dont have my own children, and when a friend ask for my advice.. I always tell them my 'disclaimer' saying that I would tell them what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. Having kids is a challenge (approx 20years!) and happiness of course and it is a choice.
Cook Appetite
Thursday 24th of December 2020
I'm a mother to a four year old boy, it hurts to admit it but he is addicted to screen time. I have to hide games in folders so that he doesn't start playing.
Dominique Walton Brooks
Wednesday 23rd of December 2020
I hadn't really heard about this trend as my kids are teens (one is in college). We are signing up to foster/adopt so I need to know about these trends! Thanks for this!