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5 Actionable Ways Parents can Protect Their Kid’s Heart

Parents need to take proactive action to protect their kid’s innocent hearts. If you want to protect the emotional well-being of your children in this chaotic world, you need to do these 5 simple things.

I know, I know. It is risky to start off with a bible verse.

But hear me out. I can’t think of a better was to verbalize the importance of protecting our children physically, mentally, and emotionally.

If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. – Matthew 18:6-7

If you turn on the television for 5 minutes you will see that our children are exposed to topics are not consenting to. Just watch any political advertisement.

In fact, last week I had to field questions from my 8 year old who had abortion ads pop-up during a kid-focused Youtube video he was watching.

These topics being thrown at our children, can cause any child to emotionally stumble.

While part of me wishes I spent the last few years hiding my family off-grid, I did no such thing. And now I have to find ways to shield my children from these heavy topics being thrust upon them.

Read 5 Topics that Are Being Forced our Our Kids here.

Why Parents Need to Actively Guard Their Kid’s Heart

In the 1990’s, scientists made a quite interesting and amazing discovery.

They found that the human heart – previously thought of as a machine that pumps fluids – contains around 40,000 neurons (leading to the term “little brain”).

Your child’s heart is not just little machine – it can actually think.

Learn more about Heart-Based Living here.

Unfortunately, topics forced on our children can impact their hearts. These topics includes things like sexuality, abortion, war, and other terrible intentions adults may have.

In order to protect the emotional well-being and development of our children, make sure they aren’t left to deal with topics that cause confusion or trauma to their growing hearts alone.

5 Ways to Protect Your Kid’s Heart

These are 5 general steps parents can take to protect their children from negativity, dangerous situations, and inappropriate topics.

1) Monitor Online Activity

The vast world wide web is the number one place that your child could stumble upon inappropriate or corruptible topics, images, and discussions.

Giving your child free range of the internet is like giving them a car before you teach them how to drive.

Limit their internet usage – especially in privacy.

Teach safe usage. Have them follow these 5 rules internet safety rules if they have a portable device or cell phone.

While these rules and limitations depend on your family values and ages, it is advisable restrict social media until your child is at an appropriate age.

ways to protect kids hearts

2) Encourage Open Communication

One of the most important ways to protect your child’s heart and emotional safety, is to ALWAYS talk at home.

Having open communication will help your child develop a level of trust and be willing to talk to you about things they are experiencing.

Encouraging open communication starts with you! If you are upset, nitpicky – or make your child feel uncomfortable for bringing up topics – they simply won’t.

Also, talk openly about your own mistakes or issues so that your child doesn’t feel alone.

I recommend reading How to Raise Kids that Bring Problems to You, Not Hide from you – here.

3) Strengthen Family Values and Faith

Families that have strong family values and principles, develop kids with a solid foundation to stand on.

Family values play a huge role in protecting a kid’s heart because it gives them priorities, morals, and structure. When things feel uncomfortable for a child, they can turn to what they are taught at home for a good moral compass.

A belief system can also help guide your child’s heart.

Researchers have even found that faith in a higher power is associated with many positive outcomes. Religion, faith and spirituality involvement are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life (even during terminal illness) and less mental health issues.

Related: Developing Strong Family Roots

4) Recognize Signs of Emotional Distress

If your child is showing signs of stress, don’t take it lightly.

Another important way to guard your child’s heart is to quickly identify when something is wrong so you can intervene.

We can’t all prevent our children from certain topics – but we can be there to talk them through things that may make them feel uncomfortable.

After a political ad, my son learned what an abortion was. This topic was too heavy for him to process emotionally. Luckily, I noticed signs of his distress and it opened up the conversation.

Signs of emotional distress vary by age. For example, younger children may be more clingy when stressed, while older children may pull away. For a full list of signs, click here.

5) Develop a Strong Family or Community Network

It takes a village to raise a child – and a close-knit one to protect a child’s heart.

Your son may not feel comfortable talking to you about a certain topic. But he may feel as ease talking to a big brother or grandfather about it.

When you have a reliable circle of trust around your children, you can further cast a protective net around them.

deep conversations starters for kids

Final Thoughts on Ways to Protect Your Kid’s Heart

This world is a crazy place for young kids to grow up in.

It stands to crush a child’s innocence when you least expect it.

Your child needs you to guide them through all of the nasty, confusing, or inappropriate things they are seeing unfold.

Luckily, if you do these things you can help shield your kid’s innocent heart.

Remember – kids with deep family roots and a solid foundation have the tools they need to can stay strong and unwavering even in the stormiest of weather.

For more tips on raising kids who are healthy at home and strong in the world, follow us on Facebook.

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