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How Returning to Our Roots Can Help Moms Embrace Their Authentic Self

Learn 5 ways returning to your roots will help you be a more authentic person and a happier mom. Do you feel a shift back to your roots, too?

I graduated college with a 6 year degree – bright-eyed ambition and a hefty weight of student loans.

A year later, my husband and I decided to have a baby and we were quickly blessed with a son.

The moment I first held that sweet baby in my arms I thought, “I don’t want to ever leave you.” And then came the swift realization that I had to return to work in just 12 weeks.

At the time, I had a good job and a lot of debt. I wasn’t brave enough to take the risk and quit my job – despite every single fiber of my being pulling me to do so.

There is no time for regret and guilt now. I made the most of those chaotic years while my kids were young, and now we have the future ahead.

Recently, however, I have been feeling a strong shift, or a pull back to my roots. Many other moms and woman have expressed similar feelings.

And this time, I am not going to ignore it.

The Significance of Returning to Our Roots

Sometime in the last century, while woman were fighting to have a more active role outside of the home, the work they do at home seemed to lose value in society’s eyes.

Women who wanted to raise their children and manage their homes were suddenly seen as lazy and lacking ambition. Of course some women are fulfilled by their jobs outside of the home – and that is great. However, our culture made it near impossible for woman who want to stay home to do so.

In fact, I tried to convince myself for years that my value was in the office – while I knew deep down it wasn’t. (even if your purpose is with work, you can still learn these skills!)

Related: How to Romanticize Your Life

Returning to our roots is about reconnecting with our heritage, traditions, and values that have shaped who we are today. It’s a journey that involves honoring the past while embracing the present and future.

By exploring our cultural heritage, we gain a deeper understanding of our identity and the experiences that have shaped us. This process allows us to reconnect with aspects of ourselves that may have been forgotten or neglected in the busyness of modern life. It’s about finding the essence of who we truly are and embracing it wholeheartedly.

Returning to Your Roots? Read: 10 Quotes That Show the Importance of Family Roots

5 Ways Moms Can Return to Their Roots

When moms return to their roots, it empowers us to make choices based on our values and passions, rather than external pressures. By embracing authenticity, we can experience a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness in our lives.

These are five ways to start your journey to being your authentic self through focusing on your roots:

1) Rediscovering Traditional Practices and Rituals

Our traditional practices and rituals will vary depending on our cultural background but often involve activities such as cooking traditional meals, learning traditional crafts, or participating in cultural celebrations.

Like most great grandmothers, mine was an amazing baker. Kneading dough and rolling meatballs was like second nature to her. Many of these traditional skills are being replaced by more convenient ways of doing things. But convenience rarely equates to ‘better’.

Did you know that regular store-bought bread has 37 ingredients in it? I started making sourdough bread recently because it only has three ingredients – flour, water, and salt.

My husband is learning to garden and compost, and teach these skills to our children.

Try talking to your family about old traditions and family skills. These rituals are often relaxing, fulfilling, and beneficial to your family.

These practices related to returning to your roots not only connect us to our heritage but also provide a sense of grounding and continuity in our lives. They remind us of the wisdom and beauty of our ancestors, and the importance of passing down traditions to future generations.

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2) Embracing Simplicity and Minimalism in Daily Life

Taking care of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being is essential for reconnecting with our true selves. This often requires a life slow down.

Minimalism (both in a material sense and a mental sense) can help you create a more meaningful life by increasing your well-being. 

Studies show that minimalism (or eliminating unnecessary life items or actions) lead to increased focus, less anxiety, and more freedom in life.

Declutter your home, lighten up your schedule, and focus more energy on simple things in life.

This can involve activities such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and seeking support from loved ones or professionals when needed. When we eliminate the unnecessary, it creates the space and energy needed to explore our passions, reflect on our values, and make choices that align with our authentic selves.

Also read: 10 Ways to Simplify Your Life or this Bare Minimum Parenting Guide

3) Nurturing a Connection with Nature and the Outdoors

Another way moms can return to their roots and foster a deeper connection with their surroundings is by immersing themselves in the beauty and tranquility of nature. Nature has an incredible power to heal, inspire, and rejuvenate the soul.

It provides a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing moms to find solace and peace in the embrace of the great outdoors.

Not only does spending time in nature provide immense physical and mental health benefits, but it also offers a chance for moms to reconnect with their inner selves. Nature provides a conducive environment for reflection, creativity, and self-expression.

Go on walks, start a garden, or just spend more time outdoors.

Reconnecting with nature is a magnificent way for moms to rediscover their roots and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Related: Connect with Nature Instantly with these 7 Activities

Also read: 5 Topics to Guard Your Kid’s Heart From

4) Connecting with the Community

In the past, community was a vital and inseparable part of our collective identity.

It played a crucial role in shaping our values, beliefs, and sense of belonging. Back then, people had a deep understanding of the value of human connection and the power it held in fostering a supportive and inclusive society.

However, as our world became more digitized and individualistic, the concept of community began to shift. The rise of social media platforms promised to connect people globally, yet ironically, it often made us feel more isolated and disconnected from those around us.

While we gained the ability to connect with others across distances, we lost the deep-rooted connections that came with face-to-face interactions.

Connect with your neighbors, family, and friends on regular basis. On a larger scale, you can go buy from local farmers, shop at small businesses, and focus on being more eco-friendly.

The significance of community cannot be overstated. It is the foundation upon which societies thrive, allowing individuals to feel seen, heard, and supported.

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5) Focusing and Developing Your Faith

Faith gives us something to believe in and live for outside of the mundane details of daily life.

It provides our family with a set of principals to abide by rooted in hope, love, and humility.

Researchers have even found that faith in a higher power is associated with many positive outcomes. Religion, faith and spirituality involvement are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life (even during terminal illness) and less mental health issues.

Building roots in religion will help you and your children have solid values and goals. And, if you are a Christian, focusing on what Jesus says is a beautiful place to start.

Or- learn about other forms of spirituality here.

Final Thoughts on Returning to Your Roots

Embracing a simpler lifestyle and reconnecting with nature doesn’t have to entail drastic changes – like quitting your day job and buying a farm.

These 5 changes are small steps you can take, right where you are, to begin your journey back to your roots.

Remember, the journey back to your roots is a personal one, and it’s important to take it at your own pace. Each step, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. So, embrace the beauty of nature, seek out opportunities to connect with the world around you, and let the transformative power of going back to your roots enrich your life.

For more tips on building a family that is healthy at home and strong in the world, follow us on Facebook and check out these simple parenting tips.

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