Did you know that your thoughts are actually magnetic? Your energy carries a positive or negative charge out into the world based on your thoughts and feelings. Pretty amazing stuff! Learn more about the weight of our thoughts, how to teach kids to change their thoughts (NOT their actions) and how you can impact the world with this simple perspective.
Most people believe that their secret thoughts have absolutely no impact on the world around them. And that the things they think in their mind are stuck in their skull.
How to Teach Kids to Control Their Thoughts – which are Magnetic
Research amazingly shows that is not the case.
In reality, when neurons in the brain fire, they are creating electrical impulses – resulting in an electric field that travels outside of the body.
You may be wondering if this invisible electric field can have an impact on the environment around us.
Since the development of the electroencephalogram (EEG) early in the 20th century, we know that brains do actually generate electric fields outside of the body.
What this means is that our thoughts and feelings DO have an impact on the world around us.
Let’s learn how understand and teach our kids about this special and delicate power they all possess.
Thoughts are Magnetic – But We are Not Our Thoughts
The reason I call the thought-driven electric field a “super power” is because we all have control over our thoughts; therefore, control over the field around us.
We think thoughts, but we are not our thoughts. Our thoughts depend on our experiences, our mood, ego, and so much more!
Heck – your thoughts are even driven by hunger sometimes (have you ever had negative thoughts when you are hangry?).
Our thoughts do not reflect who we really are deep down – aka our true self.
Let’s learn HOW our thoughts can impact the world around us, and then discuss how we can focus on changing our thought patterns.
Also read: The most effective one minute heart-based meditation
How our Thoughts Interact With The World
Research at the Heart-Math Institute displays that their is a link between the heart, the Earth’s magnetic field, and humanity’s collective energy.
For a simple example: have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt the “vibe”?
Or – have you ever felt down just from being around someone who was in a sad mood?
When my oldest son comes home from school, I can feel if he had a good or bad day before even observing any visual clues.
Not only do our thoughts and emotions send out positively and negatively charged energy, our brains and hearts are antennas for this type of energy.
Additionally, thoughts work as magnets.
Positive thoughts – like bliss, gratitude, and love – create higher frequencies and vibrations that attract more positive energy into your life.
And unfortunately negative thoughts – like jealousy, anger, and shame – will only send out low vibrations that bring more bad “luck” and outcomes.
So, how can we learn to control our thoughts? And can we teach this to the next generation?
Why We Need to Take Control of Our Thoughts
When it comes to our the behaviors of our children and ourselves, we always talk about controlling our actions.
There are two problems with this approach.
First, we are not getting to the root cause of the intended actions. We are teaching to suppress emotions and thought processes.
Secondly, as we learned today – our thoughts are magnetic -and even when suppressed still impact the people and world around us through the invisible electric field.
We focus on actions because even most adults don’t believe that we can impact our thoughts. But as I mentioned earlier, our thoughts are NOT who we really are and can easily be changed.
The key to controlling thoughts is through the heart.
Living Through the Heart
In the 1990’s, scientists made a quite interesting and amazing discovery.
They found that the human heart – previously thought of as a machine that pumps fluids – contains around 40,000 neurons (leading to the term “little brain”).
Basically our hearts can think.
And when we start using our hearts our our primary “brain”, we can learn to over-ride those ego-driven thoughts in the brain (aka Heart-based Living).
At the core of heart-based living is the tuning in to the whispers of our hearts, allowing them to inform our choices and shape our relationships.
This means that instead of letting your ego take over your life, you go to your heart first.
Let’s think of this in a real world example. Say you found out that your friend had a party and did not invite you. Your ego will first say “that’s not fair! I hate them. I guess they don’t deserve to be my friend.”
Take these thoughts captive and bring them to your heart – to a place of love. Your heart will say “I’m sure there was a reason my friend couldn’t invite me. Maybe they are going through something or need my support in a different way.”
At first it may feel forced – this will take plenty of time and dedicated practice, but overtime it will become automatic. Use these two worksheets to get started (click here to print!).
For 5 simple techniques to start using the heart to guide your thoughts, click here.
Final Thoughts on Teaching Kids that Thoughts are Magnetic
When you start to control your thoughts – by bringing them to your heart, you will start to send positive vibes (frequencies or vibrations or whatever you care to call it) out around you. Then, you can attract positive things into your life.
This is one of the most powerful skills we can teach our children today.
The great news is that this is a much easier lesson for children to grasp than adults. Because living from the heart and being guided by love is the natural way for kids to live.
You may also like: 5 ways to Protect Your Kid’s Heart in this Unstable World
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