These 7 Harry Potter quotes will teach your kids beautiful life lessons in bravery, humility, and love.
More than likely you have heard of parenting methods like the “Ferber method” or “Attachment Parenting”; however, have you heard of the”‘Harry Potter Parenting Method”?
No? That is probably because I made it up!
But Harry Potter was one of the greatest series of all times- fact, not opinion. Not only are the Harry Potters books and movies entertaining, but they are packed with life lessons.
Harry Potter Quotes for Kids
These 7 lessons are based on friendship, standing up for what is right, and bravery, which are all traits we could use a little more of nowadays.
1) “We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy”
Although when Dumbledore said this to Harry Potter he was talking about Lord Voldemort returning, it does not make it any less relevant. Learning that the right decision is often not easy is an important life lesson that many adults even have difficulty with.

Also, check out these Harry Potter Wizards Dueling Game – great for Potter fans of all ages!
2) “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals”
Teach your children to treat everyone with respect and dignity. It doesn’t matter if someone is less fortunate, they deserve to be respected and treated fairly. The janitor deserves the same level of respect as the CEO.

In addition to these Harry Potter Quotes for Kids, check out these bible versus for youth.
3) “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest times, if one only remembers to turn on the lights”
Just because bad things happen, does not mean all hope is lost. No doubt, things will not always go as planned for your children. They may not get an A on a test, they may not make the soccer team, or worse. Instill in them the lesson that when things look grim, keep your head up and march on.

4) “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies but just as much to stand up to our friends”
This may be one of the most relevant and important lessons we can teach our kids today. There will always be bullies in our lives. Sometimes, these bullies are actually our friends. It has to be so challenging for our children to stand up to bullies, especially if it is a friend. Be a leader, not a follower.

Related: Inspirational Mother and Son Quotes
5) “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities”
There will always be people who are more fortunate than us. Someone will always be stronger, faster, and smarter. Teach your children that it is their determination and willpower that will set them apart.

6) “What’s coming will come, and we will face it when it does”
Worrying about the future will not change anything. If you child is stressed out about something, explain that you will face it with them.

7) “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it”
And lastly, my favorite lesson of all. Words are powerful. Children may not think their voice is heard, but it is important for them to know the impact of what they say. A seemingly silly, but rude comment can cause a lot of damage to another child. On the other hand, your child saying “good job” to another kid or inviting them to sit at their lunch table could change another child’s day.
If you enjoyed these Harry Potter Quotes for Kids, also check out these inspirational quotes for a bullet journal.

Final Thoughts on Harry Potter Quotes for Kids
Teach your kids to live by these 7 lessons of friendship, hard work, and doing what is right.
Save and print the below, for tangible inspiration for your little witches and wizards.

Check out some of these great gifts for your children also!

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Wednesday 24th of July 2019
That Sirius Black quote is so true! How we treat people 'below' us says a lot about our character.
Saturday 16th of February 2019
Harry Potter books and films were an important part of raising my 5 daughters. A hero with a tragic beginning in life shows the importance of friendship and Love and how it is stronger than hatred,
Saturday 16th of February 2019
This was great fun to read. I love Harry Potter but my son is too small. He is mostly into marvel now but this is great
Saturday 16th of February 2019
I love these lessons! And I love that you made the connection to Harry Potter - I never would have thought of that!
Saturday 16th of February 2019
Great quotes and important lessons to teach your children! Also love the adorable Harry Potter “look alike” at the end 😄