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How to Raise Humble Kids in a Society Focused on Self-Importance

Learn how to raise humble kids with these simple life lessons in humility. Also, learn why it is so important that parents make these changes today.

Our generation is making a huge parenting mistake. And, ironically, it is all while we are trying to be seen as good parents.

As parents, we are so focused on pride, self-love, and materialistic accomplishments that in our quest to raise confident, well-adjusted kids, we are actually raising overly sensitive, entitled children.

Some of us are accidently raising – dare I say it- narcissists.

Now, I am not saying that I don’t want my kids to love themselves – but that will come from raising a resilient, well-adjusted child – not from sheltering them from negativity or glorifying self-importance.

Why it’s Important Raise Humble Kids

Raising humble kids is a crucial aspect of parenting that holds immense value in today’s world- which is hyper-focused on self-importance.

Teaching humility enables children to develop a deep understanding and appreciation for the accomplishments and talents of others. By acknowledging their own limitations and recognizing the strengths of others, they learn to celebrate diversity and foster inclusive relationships.

This not only cultivates a sense of empathy but also promotes harmonious coexistence and teamwork.

Another positive is that humility nurtures a growth mindset in children. Rather than seeing failures as indicators of personal inadequacy, humble kids view them as valuable learning experiences.

Also Read: How to Raise a Critical Thinker

5 Ways to Raise Humble Children

To raise humble kids, you have to step a little out of your comfort zone.

Of course you are proud of your kids, and you want to show them that; however, can you express your love and admiration without encouraging arrogant, prideful behavior in kids?

You bet!

Start with these 5 parenting tips in teaching kids humility.

1) Stop focusing So Much on Self-Love

Sometimes, what makes us happy and feel good at the time, is NOT actually best for our minds and bodies.

It would be fun to eat 10 candy bars, but that is not good for our bodies. Similarly, there are things that may seem fun at the time- but they are not good for our souls.

While modern society has labeled some of these actions as self-care – there are better activities that are truly good for our minds.

Instead of focusing attention on loving oneself, encourage your kids to try these random acts of kindness or these mindfulness activities instead. The amazing thing is that living in the present and helping others will in turn help kids love who they are.

2) Teach Your Kids to OWN up to Their Mistakes

If you want to raise humble kids, you have to teach them that we all make mistakes (It’s okay that they aren’t perfect)- and it is crucial that we own up to them.

When it comes to children (and even adults), there are various underlying reasons why they may try to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. They may be avoiding consequences or preserving their self-image.

There is no bigger display of humility than admitting you are wrong.

If your child has trouble owning up to their choices or actions, try these 5 tips in teaching kids to own up to their mistakes.

3) Encourage Compassion and Gratitude

Naturally, humility is linked with empathy and gratitude.

Encourage your children to understand and respect others’ feelings and perspectives. Regularly practicing gratitude as a family can also help children appreciate what they have and recognize the contributions of others.

Talk positively about others in front of your kids, and encourage them to be thankful for the things they have. Focus less on appreciating material possessions – and more on family, health, and the kindness of others.

Follow these 5 tips to Cultivate Empathy in Kids.

4) Develop a Form of Spirituality or Belief System

In the most basic terms, spirituality is the concept that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves. There is more to life than just what we experience on a daily basis with our senses.

Every family belief system is different, but having faith can provide important values and principals for kids to live by.

In our family, we focus on Jesus. He was an awesome dude who preached about loving your neighbor, making sacrifices for the greater good, and the importance of forgiveness. Basically, he was the ultimate teacher of humility and love.

Read about 5 Lessons in Faith and Jesus for Kids here.

5) Teach a Community Mindset

Lastly, if we teach our kids the importance of a community we are teaching them two important things:

  1. Life doesn’t solely revolve around them and their happiness
  2. It is our role as humans to help others out

By introducing children to the concept of community (whether that is school, sports, church, or family) at an early age, we can empower them to become active and caring members of society.

Try participating in a toy drive for underprivileged children, taking part in a neighborhood clean-up event, or helping at a local food bank. Engaging in acts of service can teach children the value of giving back and making a positive impact on the lives of others.

These experiences can instill empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility in young minds.

Learn the importance of Building Family Roots here.

You may also like: 5 Lessons Kids Learn from Dad

Final Thoughts on Raising Humble Kids

In conclusion, raising humble kids is a worthwhile endeavor that can positively impact their personal, spiritual and social development.

By nurturing humility, we equip our children with essential values and qualities that will serve them well throughout their lives. It is an investment that not only benefits them individually but also contributes to building a more compassionate and harmonious society.

For more tips on raising kids who are healthy at home and strong in the world, follow us on Facebook or print this:

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